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Travelling with your Dog from the UK to the EU and back

Updated: May 7

As I previously mentioned, I would like to talk more than just about marketing. As part of this personal blog, I would like to share my experiences as a foreigner from the EU living in the UK. This will also include travels with pets, as I have one.

My pet is a female mongrel dog called Leia with whom, we were able to travel a bit around Europe and within England as well.

It is important to point out, that travelling with dogs used to be easier than it is now, due to Brexit. The only what you needed was a chip, rabies vaccination and tapeworm treatment with a valid EU Pet Passport.

An owner with his dog travelling to Switzerland
Travelling together through Europe (Switzerland view)

Are you planning an adventure across the Channel with your furry companion? Travelling with your dog from the UK to the EU and back may sound like a bit challenging task to get ready for, however, do not let it be discouraged and do not leave your best friends behind. Please be aware of everything you need to have ready before your trip begins. Hopefully, this article will help you with the preparations.


Here is a short comprehensive guide to everything you need to know:


1.       Microchip:

First thing first, make sure your furry friend is microchipped with compliant ISO 11784/11785 (15-digit long microchip number). This is a number one requirement for travel within the EU.


2.       Rabies Vaccination:

It is necessary to have up-to-date with rabies vaccination. Ensure this vaccination is administered after the microchip has been implanted and remember to keep the vaccination record handy. And importantly the vaccination should not be earlier than 21 days (three to four weeks) before you cross the borders, so the body can generate enough antibodies.

3.       Animal Health Certificate (AHC):

If you have a pet passport from an authorised veterinarian, unfortunately, these are not valid after Brexit if you are travelling from the UK to the EU.  Therefore the best option is to get an Animal Health Certificate for your pet. The certificate is valid for four months from issue (you must apply within 10 before your travel), however, it can be used only for one return trip (from the UK to the EU and back). After that, you have to apply for a new AHC certificate (Chipping Norton Veterinary Hospital).

From my own experience, as advice from Pet Border Control, whom I called before travel, to ensure I have the right documents, I advise those who have a Pet Passport issued in the EU to keep rabies vaccinations from EU Veterinarians (the UK records are in EU passport invalid), in this case, you can use your Pet Passport anytime without the need of applying for Animal Health Certificate which may be costly (I paid £ 250) if you travelling a lot.

4.       Tapeworm treatment:

Depending on the destination within the EU, your dog may need to be treated for tapeworm by a veterinarian within a specific timeframe. This is usually between 24 to 120 hours (1-5 days) before the scheduled arrival to the borders. It is compulsory to be recorded in the Pet Passport or any travel document you have (AHC). As it is not needed in every EU country, when you are returning to the UK, you must have a tapeworm treatment. For detailed information please see the Chipping Norton Veterinary website, which has shared detailed instructions that are also available in an even more detailed version on the website.


5.       Travel Arrangements:

If you are travelling by car, then there is nothing to think about, however, it must be the dog owner (or carer, the person whose name is in the pet travel documents), who is travelling with the dog. There are certain rules if you are not travelling with your pet and are using some commercial transport, which I recommend to search online or preferably ask your veterinarian, who should be able to help you. But be aware, that some veterinarians may not know the answer.

If you are planning to send your pet separately, it is important to know the transportation requirements. They will need to ensure all paperwork is accurate and up to date. You may also need to sign some documents confirming that the pet is not being sold or kenneled outside.

Naturally, make sure that your friend feels comfortable as well as safe, you may need to need a harness, suitable carrier, crate or anything else.

A dog by the lake in Switzerland


6.       Check Entry Requirements:

Please research and understand the entry requirements of the country you are travelling to as some countries may have additional requirements or restrictions. I can confirm that from my own experiences, it is crucial to be well-informed, as not knowing is not a good excuse and they may not let your pet cross the borders.

7.       Identification:

It is important that your dog also have a collar with an identification tag containing your contact information. This may be very important if you are travelling in unfamiliar areas and helps to ensure your pet's safety.

8.       Food, Water and Comfort Items:

You should definitively pack your pet's favourites, so he won't feel anxious about the travel. The best is to take his bed, if possible, toys, blankets and treats. Do not forget to take his food and water and necessary medications if he uses some.

A dog traveller
Leia in Switzerland

I am sure that with careful planning and preparation, travelling with your dog from the UK to the EU and back, can be a rewarding experience for both of you (For me and Leia it was mostly fun, she is a great travel companion!). Remember to check and fulfil all requirements well in advance of your departure date, and always prioritize your pet's health and well-being throughout the journey. Safe travels!


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